From Individuals"Elisabeth is the ultimate professional, “The best gift that I have ever given to myself "Working with Elisabeth in individual and group “For many years, I muddled through emotional stresses on my own, until a marital and personal crisis forced me to admit that I needed assistance. Before I started working with Elisabeth, I had no idea how or if therapy worked. With her professional, experienced, |
From Couples"We began seeing Elisabeth during a very painful time, shortly after an infidelity was revealed. The raw emotions and feelings “Elisabeth has provided us with a collaborative and supportive environment in which to explore the conflicts in our marriage. Her approach to couples therapy has helped us improve our communication, our understanding of ourselves, and our ability to articulate shared goals for our partnership and how to reach them. Elisabeth challenges us without pitting us against one another and without being |
From Group Participants"It was extremely helpful to hear others' "It was interesting to see how the same kinds of "It was helpful when I noticed parts of other "Being with others who are choosing to be in |